Alternate Broadcast Inspection
An exclusive agreement between the IBA and the Chicago Field Office of the FCC provides IBA member stations an opportunity to be voluntary inspected by an FCC-approved IBA provided inspector. Upon completing the application process, stations receive a friendly inspection from a contracted inspector using the standard FCC field service checklist. If violations are found, no fines are imposed nor are they reported to the FCC. Instead, stations are given ample time to correct the problems before another inspection. Once a station is determined to be in compliance, both the station and the FCC Field Office in Chicago receive a copy of the stations Certificate of Compliance. This certificate is valid for three years and exempts the station from routine FCC inspections for the three year period.
Get Started
Complete the Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program Request form, which can be downloaded below. Return the application and payment for the inspection to the IBA who will confirm receipt of the application and notify the inspector in your area of the state. The contracted inspector will work with the contact person listed on the application to schedule a convenient time to visit as well as provide a checklist in advance to aid in preparation. Invoices for inspections may be requested by calling the IBA at 217-793-2636.
Why Participate?
Participation in the ABIP will allow you to gauge the competence and diligence of the personnel upon whom your station relies upon to keep the station operating in full FCC compliance. The FCC wants broad participation in the State Associations’ ABIP Programs to in order to reduce the need for FCC inspections and to raise the level of compliance throughout the entire country.